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about this site

My favorite seasons are winter, cherry blossom season, and the first 5 weeks of fall when everyone is excited about Halloween. I live near Washington, DC, with my beautiful cat, Zenny. In my free time I make zines, watch movies/tv, take long walks, document my life creatively, and connect with the rad people in my life.

The Crypt-Kicker Five is a fictional band mentioned in the song “Monster Mash” by Bobby “Boris” Pickett. The band is playing the song that everyone is doing the monster mash to. This is where the site title comes from. (I later learned that Bobby “Boris” Picket and the Crypt-Kickers are credited as the authors of “Monster Mash,” but that was unintentional!)

I was thinking of the story of the song and building a playlist for my Halloween mail in 2018. I called the playlist “Crypt Kickers” under the notion that crypt kickers are songs that get your bones jangling and ready to move, so much that you burst out of the grave. It was a spooky dance party kind of playlist with a strong emphasis on songs that actually mention Halloween (you can listen to it here).

From another perspective, a crypt kicker might be something that keeps you out of the grave: it energizes you and helps prevent you from slipping into your depression cave (or whatever). That's something that music does for me.