
Listening to You’re Reading in an 18th Century Library and It’s Raining Outside

* Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn’t Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg
* May I ask a Technical Question: Questions About Digital Reliability Each of Us Should Ask by Matt Hoff, Jeff Krinock
* Spanish on Duolingo (I just passed 365 days of language study, though a large bulk of that year went to Japanese)

Loving lately:
* Feeling my creative energy return, having time and motivation to work on personal/home projects!
* My perfect cat


enjoying the silence.

* how humans learn: the science and stories behind effective college teaching by joshua r. eyler
* chinese fairy tales and legends collected by frederick h. martens and richard wilhelm
* spanish on duolingo (after sticking exclusively to japanese for a few years)

loving lately:
* trying new restaurants and parks around the area
* finding small ways to be creative in my day to day
* halloween season is coming on strong!


⦁ bad horror
⦁ a discovery of witches

⦁ shady characters: the secret life of punctuation, symbols, & other typographical marks by keith houston
⦁ the book of yokai: mysterious creatures of japanese folklore by michael dylan foster
⦁ responsive web design
⦁ morse code

loving lately:
⦁ my cat, zenny (it’s been a month!)
⦁ long walks to fun music
⦁ writing and rewriting all kinds of things


⦁ train cam videos/streaming from train cabs (example)
⦁ christmas movies

⦁ the product is docs: writing technical documentation in a product development group by christopher gales
⦁ caste: the origins of our discontents by isabel wilkerson

loving lately:
⦁ reorganizing my home (moving furniture, getting rid of stuff, setting up areas to do the stuff i love)
⦁ implementing personal processes & systems that serve me better
⦁ being patient with myself and going at my own pace
⦁ having downtime/respecting the need for downtime – not beating myself up when i watch 3 hours of tiktok, for example
⦁ learning asl/getting consistent streaks on asl bloom & duolingo
⦁ the two little beeps some trains do (meep-meep like roadrunner!)

articles & other people’s words:
a debugging manifesto
I love this. I’m going to adapt this idea to troubleshooting and processing tickets and create a little quick guide for my team at work. Some of our team members seem to have it in mind that the purpose of a ticket is to resolve it ASAP. At face value I guess that’s true – you want to take care of the customer and reduce their frustrations – but in order to provide overall amazing continued support, you have to view each ticket as a story. You have to understand the context (how it’s supposed to behave, what went wrong, and the resources that helped you resolve it). This helps you to provide better (and sometimes faster) support in the future. Otherwise, each ticket tends to feel like an isolated event, and you have to start from scratch every time you go to resolve it.


⦁ warrior nun – finished
⦁ midnight club
⦁ the bastard son of the devil himself
⦁ the imperfects
⦁ love is blind (new season) – finished

⦁ purposeful documentation and writing for the web
⦁ racism in america

loving lately:
⦁ Finch app (self-care)
⦁ sweepy
⦁ taking walks no matter what the weather
⦁ level setting & restarting – focusing inward and creating new patterns
⦁ doodling
⦁ seasonal decorating & reflection
⦁ existing outside of time (not paying attention to the clock)
⦁ mushrooms
⦁ downfall of bird app
⦁ narrowing my tools
⦁ new connection with myself
⦁ new connections with old friends
⦁ being happily single
⦁ burning candles for the ritual of putting them out

articles & other people’s words:
I am at a good place with my career (I think) with lots of experience under the belt, but there is a lack of focus. I feel like I’m facing every direction they need me to face to do the job, but not facing the direction I want to face to focus my career. I used this post and many of the suggestions to help begin the journey of defining my values, which will help me define my goals.

freewriting is a therapeutic activity for me. it’s like there’s a buildup of emotional sludge in my system, and freewriting helps me open a valve to clear it all out. with the words out of my head, i always feel lighter and better. and when i freewrite in lowercase, there’s not only more output, but it’s more real and honest.

July 6, 2022


  • Weeknotes – recording weekly reflections on my professional experience (July 2022 – ?)
  • Seasons – writing seasonal letters/reflections and sending to friends/family (Winter 2021 – Fall 2022)
  • Home – going through everything I own to get rid of stuff (2018 – ?)
  • Reading through my “in progress” books
  • Adding all my owned books to a database showing me various stats about them
  • Cryptids – ‘adopting’ one cryptid per season and learning everything about it! includes travel/destination sight-seeing (Winter 2021 – ?)
    • Winter – Mothman
    • Spring – Sasquatch
    • Summer – Flatwoods Monster
    • Fall – ?


  • Figure out how to record music from my drums to my computer
  • Documentation of Year 38
  • Organize zines
  • Legal name change