Reading Progress

At the end of December, I added all my “current reads” to Storygraph (an alternative to Goodreads) with the goal to read them by the end of 2022. It’s June so I still have a while to go but I think six months is enough time to look back and kind of gather how I’m doing. (It’s a good day for reflection, I suppose.)

I didn’t update progress on Storygraph every time I read, just when I got through a lot of pages and I felt like it was time to update progress, so my log isn’t completely accurate to pinpoint every time I picked up a book. However, I still think it’s enlightening enough to see why I still miss reading. What they say is true – often goals made at the beginning of the year have strong starts then peter off once life picks up in March. I had a hard time focusing in April. For most of May, I only read Dracula Daily, but it was nice because it came every few days so it was a lovely, low effort way of maintaining the reading habit.

I definitely fell off the ladder when it came to writing reflections on the books. It’s cool I did it for 3 books though, maybe I’ll remember to do it for more! Unrelated, I’ve been really depressed and have had heightened anxiety since the beginning of the year… related/unrelated… you tell me. 🙂

In December, I catalogued (approximate start dates) and since then have finished:

  • 3 books that I started reading in 2017
  • 1 book I started reading in 2018
  • 3 books I started in 2019; finished 1!
  • 3 books in 2020; finished 1!
  • 1 book in 2021
  • 11 books total, finished 2🎉

Several of these I will absolutely abandon at the end of 2022 if I don’t read them by then, but some I want to read. Sometimes I have a hard time choosing which one to read because my pile has grown so large. See this post which explains some of the other specific and weird obstacles to living my life peacefully.

I also started 5 new books but have already finished 3 of them! And one of them is Dracula Daily, which is being sent as it progresses chronologically in the book so it will not be done for some time. (The final one I started today but it’s a book on transgender history so I get a pass, since it’s pride month.) I am very happy to see that even though I’m ignoring my goal, I’m doing it by reading and finishing other books.

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